Was macht deine Marke nachhaltig?

In the world we live, sustainability matters! We need to commit ourselves with our environment and building a better world. Every little thing we do, has an impact around us and the way we spend our money shapes the world into a fairer place or more unequal.

We are working on building a brand, that becomes a symbol for fair and sustainable fashion by:

1) Using reusable or ethically sourced materials, causing the least possible impact on the environment.
2) Achieving high quality products that are durable.
3) Supporting small retailers and artisans.
4) Educating our users about the impact of the fashion and textile industry on climate change.

5) Because we often make our gemstones jewelry with materials from developing countries, it is very important to us to only work with suppliers that that are fair to their miners and respectful of the environment, to avoid supporting exploitation, injustice or illegal mining which is usually very dangerous for the environment.

We like to use our platforms as an education tool about sustainable fashion and to exchange information about this with our users in our forums.

Click here to read more about our brand.

Kann ich meinen Schmuck personalisieren lassen?

Yes, you can get your jewelry and accessories personalized, as our products are mostly handmade.

The products you see in our catalogs have standardized measures and presentations, if you want measures outside the standard or changes in the presentation this will be considered a customized product.

Please note that our company is based in Germany and according to German regulations the right of return does not apply to customized products.

According to Section § 312g (2) Sentence 1 of the German Civil Code (BGB), a consumer shall not be entitled to a right of withdrawal in the case of a contract concluded outside business premises or in the case of a distance selling contract if goods are specifically manufactured for a customer or tailored to the customer's personal requirements.

This is one of the best-selling customized products:


Please check our return policy.


Kann ich ein Produkt zurückschicken?

Yes, you can send it back but please notice that:

1) Return shipping costs are at your expense.

2) Customized products may not be returned.

Please check our return policy.

In case you got a customized product and for any reason you are not satisfied with it (which usually doesn't occur) please contact us and we will find a solution.

Wie kann ich echte Perlen von Imitationen unterscheiden?

Here we work only with authentic gemstones and authentic pearls. If you still don't have the experience to distinguish pearls, here we show you how.

First, there are three different types of pearls. Freshwater pearls, saltwater pearls and artificial pearls. 

Both freshwater pearls and saltwater pearls are natural, for quality reasons, we do not work with artificial pearls. 

You can distinguish natural pearls from fake pearls as follows: 

  • When rubbing one bead against the other, a slight resistance should be felt, if there is no resistance and the bead is completely smooth, it is an artificial bead.
  • Natural pearls are hardly totally round and symmetrical, if they are, and also have a smooth texture, they are most likely to be artificial.
  • If they have perforations look at the edge of that hole, if the hole is defined and clean this indicates that the pearl is natural, if it has plastic remains it is an artificial pearl.

If you want to learn more about pearl farming and its impact on nature, please read our blog.

Check out our baroque pearls jewelry set, made with authentic freshwater pearls.